Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hot Market Despite Cooler Weather

Winter may be fast approaching but there is certainly no cooling trend when it comes to the Great Toronto Area resale housing market.
In the first two weeks of November, Toronto Realtors reported 3,666 sales, an 84% increase compared to the same period a year ago. The Average price of GTA homes sold during this timeframe also grew, by 10%, to $415,066.
Condominium activity throughout the GTA was even more extraordinary. Sales of this housing type increased 90% to 959 transactions, with an average price of $296,664, up 15% year over year.
The number of sales in the City of Toronto increased by 88% compared to the same period a year ago, reaching a total of 1,560 transactions. The average price meanwhile, climbed to $441,893, a 10% increase from mid-November last year.
Condominium sales in Toronto almost doubled to 674 trasactions, an increase of 97% from a year ago. They sold at an average price of $317,939, up 13% year-over-year.

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