Friday, June 4, 2010

Good News in the Labour Market, StatsCanada reveals.

Following large gains in April, employment rose by 25,000 in May, the fifth consecutive monthly increase. The unemployment rate was unchanged at 8.1%. Since the start of the upward trend in July 2009, employment has risen by 1.8% or 310,000.
Ontario's employment was up 18,000 in May, all in full-time work. The increase in May brings employment gains in that province to 127,000 (+1.9%) since July 2009, a rate of growth similar to the national average (+1.8%). In May, the unemployment rate edged up 0.1 percentage points to 8.9% as more people entered the labour market.

May's employment increase was mainly among women aged 55 and over (+17,000). Since July 2009, employment has grown the fastest among men aged 55 and over (+5.0%), followed by women aged 55 and over (+3.1%).

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